
Artificial Intelligence

Hii, today, I will tell you about AI

AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence". The main objective of AI based machine is to enable the computers to perform intellectual tasks.

AI has two types of impact on human:

1. Beneficial

2. Harmful

AI can be used in many ways and it is going to be like wonder in future. 

It can recognise faces, objects and more. In the future, with the help of AI, we will be able to interact with machines as we interact with each other. 

It can be used in making some organs like a hand which can be used for a person who does not have hand and that person will be able to control that. 

Robots can be replaced at human jobs like teaching but some jobs can not be replace by robots for example doctor, sales manager etc. 

While making AI robots, creators have to consider about the jobs of people which can be lost.

Now, I am introducing small fact about "Mark".

Mark is working on emotions of AI machines which is known as "Affective Computing". It's making the assistants in the computers for checking emotions and it will develop more. 

Now a days, we are using AI in our daily life for example in our phone as Google assistant, Siri, Alexa etc. 

Now, let's talk of negative impact of AI machines, it can make the society lazy and the things which is stored in it, only those data will work, they can not think our of that data. They will perform everything which is stored in them.

That was a small introduction to AI machines and this intelligence. I also covered some of the bad and good impact of AI on us. It is going to be so much interesting more than now. I am so much excited. Are you excited to know more about it and to use this intelligence ?

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