

Writer - R.L.Stine
Book Name - Goosebumps

Characters - Me , Zoe , Mrs. Wheedle, Ben.

Zoe is my best friend. Mrs. Wheedle is our guide and Ben is a boy in our camp.

Setting - Me, Zoe and my family come in South America on vacation. Me and Zoe go in the jungle to make our tour adventures. I am talking about Amazon forest.

Begining - We were in hotel and Mrs. Wheedle said "All right, Junior Explorers", I direct your attention to this magnificent specimen of Bromeliada aechmea…” . I see a brochure for the Junior Explorer Adventure Club at the front desk of our hotel, it looked great. Three days hiking in the jungle with ten other kids my age and an “experienced jungle guide.” How cool! 

I convince my parents to go in this adventure club. Zoe is with me, she also wants to go. Now, we all go in the group but I am different because I like adventure,  Zoe is just as anxious as I am to break away from the group and do so real exploring.

Fun - I see something else that was definitely worth checking out. I call Zoe and say we should check it out. “I've got an idea!” Zoe says with a gleam in her eye. 

We've been friends for almost our entire life . And you know that when I see that gleam in her eye, it means I'm about to get into trouble — usually a fun kind of trouble — but always big trouble!  

Zoe calls to Mrs. Wheedle and says to her that we saw "Amaryllis kerritatlocus", it is a flower which all the scientists are finding. Mrs. Wheedle asked where you saw? 

“I think it was over there,” Zoe says, pointing back down the path. “Or maybe it was that way …”

she says, pointing to the left of the group.

“We should split up and search for it!” I suggest.

All the kids start talking at once. Now’s our chance to sneak away!

Adventure starting - We dash off the path into the jungle. When I asked Zoe that did you really saw that flower, she replied "no way", to sneak away from there she spoke lie. 

I see dense leaves and vines, I read about this in a book that the most dangerous thing about Amazon forest is that here is sensed leaves and vines where statue is present and that is alive. 

I see that statue and shout Zoe ," see what's here?" We see hideous gargoyle carved out of gleaming whites stone grins out at me. It has crazy, bulging eyes and long, sharp teeth. It looks like some kind of a mutant

cat creature!

Conflict - That stone beast is right behind me , there are two ways to escape. Zoe says Run, I ask but from which way, she replies from this way pointing towards the river, I call as we race down the path that leads to the clearing, "Zoe, I you can scare the gargoyle with the heavy sticks and stones I see on the ground. We both stop and ready to attack on that gargoyle, it comes to us and start going back and it was looking like he was feeling fear from something. We look at an ancient table which was there behind us. 

Fruits was there on the table and the dangerous thing about that table was decorated with shrunken human heads! 

Zoe's said, we should go back now as fast as we can. We started going back but I smell something delicious. It smells fantastic, I could not stop myself , Zoe said no, but I eat that pear and I feel dizzy and I fell down. Zoe hold me and said what happened? Are you fine?

I say, I am fine but a different sound comes from my mouth because my throat was filled up with the juice of pear. She listen this and runs apart from me towards the camp. I think that why Zoe left me and why she ran up apart from me. I see my hand is changed and I can feel that my face has changed. I became a monster.

I stand up and listen the sound of someone is coming, I do not hide, I wait for the person to take help from him. I see that was Ben, a boy of my camp. He doesn't feel fear of me and he looks at me and says you are one of the kids from my Junior Explorers Club, aren't you?  I wondered that he identified me. He goes towards the table and takes the banana, he was just about to bite , I try to say "no" but my throat was filled up with juice, so, I step up to him and knock the banana from his hand. He looked at me angrily first but he says "thank you". You broke up the spell. I don't understand, what Ben is talking about, so, I ask him to explore. Then he tells me that it was magic of "Muglani". Muglani hate humans that's why they putted these fruits here. After eating this fruit human changes into animals or monsters. It happened with you also. I asks him, how does he know? He says it is all explained in this pamphlet I got at the hotel. 

Solution - I ask for solution, he says, yes to go back in normal, in the pamphlet it is written, there is a Fireheart fruit. Then I replied yes I know, Mrs. Wheedle showed us that fruit. I asked Ben, will you help me to find out that fruit, Ben replied, Ofcourse, afterall you saved me from  eating that magic banana. 

Ben asks, which direction was the tree you saw? I replied right hand side. 

We go further ahead and I was about to take that fruit from the tree but Ben took me apart and said come here, someone is coming, that was our group and Mrs. Wheedle, Ben asks me will you make them feel fear or you will tell them all the things. I said I will speak from here first and I will tell them that who I am. After that I will come in front of them. And I did the same. First I told them by hiding then I came in front of them. They were not feeling fear because first I told them. Then I took that fruit and came back to normal stage. 

I was so happy to be back in my normal position. We were in hotel now and having dinner, my parents were not believing and when a fly came the I took my tongue out like frog and ate that then they believe. Ben said, you should have eaten fruit fully so that you could be normal totally. I said everyone have a monster in them. Everyone laughed.

Happy ending.

This is the only one solution of this hole book , when you will read this book , you can get different things according to your decision. You can die also. It depends on your decision that how long you live.

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