
Invisible Ink: 2019 to 2050🤯

This story is from the modern world...

It is the time of 2050. I would like to show you, how today's world looks like.

In this word, nothing is old except one thing.

The scene starts from Paris of 2050, a big library is there namely, "Invisible Ink". 

This is the only library which is left from 2020. All the libraries has modified except 'Invisible ink'. In this time, libraries don't have books but 'invisible ink library' have. Once Peter visits this library because he never saw any book and he never read any book. He enters the library and sees so many books, he takes a book from there and sits on a chair then starts reading the book. The book name, which he reads, is 2019 to 2050. He reads...

2019 to 2050

That was the time of 2019 when covid 19 introduced in this world, due to that people faced a lot of  trouble. 2020 was also about to finish with this virus. But they did not know that what is going to happen with them and with this world? 

That was the last day of 2020 and new year was about to come after few hours. Most of the people were not happy because of that pendamic situation.

Scientists, doctors, police etc. were working for people and for this whole world. 

Now, only one hour was left for 2021. Scientists were testing the last phase of vaccine. When they were testing the vaccine, a light passed from them and a pen fell down from the table. They were amazed, what happened with them? But without focusing on that topic, they focused on the testing. They were writing the analystic while testing the vaccine. For writing, a scientist picked up that pen which fell down from the table but when he started writing he saw that whatever he was writing is dissappering from the page. He putted that pen in his pocket and took another pen. Finally, they got success in their work and 2021 came with a happiness and success. When people listent that vaccine is successfully tested by scientists and they will launch this vaccine in 2021, all the people were so much happy. 

The scientist who got that pen, reached at his home and he again tried to write on a paper. He wrote a small story on the paper and he mentioned in his story that all the students of this world will study a lot and all will get success, hole world will be digital. When 2050 will come the world will be the out of imagination. He also mentioned that there will be only one library in the whole world with the books and the name of that library will be "Invisible Ink" because that library will be like an ink on the world which is like invisible for everyone because only few people will know about that library.

After completing the story, when he putted full stop. Hole story disappeared from the page.

This is the story which Peter reads. Then he stands up and exits the library. He walks towards his home while thinking of that scientist. He thinks that everything which is written by the scientist is true now, where is that scientist? And where is that pen which have invisible and magical ink?

When he reaches his home, he tells this story to his parents and friends. 

Now, whenever Peter sees any pen, he starts writting the story.

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