

Table of content

  1. Capstone 
  2. Simple words for capstone
  3. Capstone for college
  4. Example 
  5. Conclusion

Capstone is different at different place. But for students, capstone projects are generally designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, and develop skills such as oral communication, public speaking, research skills, media literacy, teamwork, planning, self-sufficiency, or goal setting—i.e., skills that will help prepare them for college.


 The term derives from the final decorative coping or "cap-stone" used to complete a building or monument. 

In higher education, the term has been in common use in the USA since the mid-twentieth century, although there is evidence that it was in use as early as the late 1800s. It has gradually been gaining currency in other countries, particularly where attention has focused on student outcomes and employability in undergraduate studies. National grant projects in Australia and the U.K. have further raised the profile of the capstone experience.

Simple words for capstone 

1 : a coping stone : coping. 

2 : the high point : crowning achievement the capstone of career.

Capstone for college - for college it is a culmination project

culmination project
A capstone might be called a culmination project, senior thesis, or a final exhibition. The capstone course is intended to apply all of the knowledge and skills you've gained over a college career in one assignment. A capstone course is not always a paper, though a paper is often a piece of it.

Capstone Example

The Best Capstone Project Topic Ideas
  • Nursing.
  • Information Technology.
  • Computer Science.
  • MBA.
  • Accounting.
  • Management.

How to Write a Capstone Project Introduction: Guidance from Expert Writers
  1. Background. ...
  2. Statement of the Problem. ...
  3. Purpose of the Study. ...
  4. Importance of the Research. ...
  5. Overview of Theoretical Framework. ...
  6. Overview of Research Design. ...
  7. Research Questions/Hypotheses. .
  8. Assumptions
  9. Limitations and de-limitations
  10. Definition of terms
  11. Summary


A capstone project is an academic paper that serves as a summary of a student's experience.

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