
Elevator Pitch Steps, Tips + Example

If you happen to run into your ideal employer or business partner, in an elevator – or anywhere else for that matter – you'll have about 30 seconds or less to wow them. Here's how to do it.

Step 1: Brainstorm

Brainstorm a list of phrases that describe you and cross off any cliches or catch phrases. Keep only the most unique and honest statements.

Step 2: Craft a description

Craft a description of qualifications that you can share in 30 seconds or less.


Write the pitch like you speak. This will make it easier to deliver and make it sound more authentic.


"This book is Donald Trump's version of The Secret. It's must read." Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Step 3: Practice

Practice your pitch on friends and family. Ask for feedback and adjust your pitch. It will become natural by doing it over and over.


Use a mirror to pitch yourself. If you can't look yourself in the eye, how can you engage someone else?

Step 4: Make it about them

Make your pitch about the needs of your listener. Talk about the problems facing their industry that you are uniquely positioned to solve. 

Step 5: Describe your value

Describe your value in solving these problems. 

Step 6: Allow room for dialogue

Allow room for dialogue. Most people don't like to be talked at, so be conversational and show an interest in them.

Step 7: Ask for something

Ask for something – a business card, a phone call, or permission to send your resume. The point of your pitch is to break the ice and generate interest, but you need to ask for the next step.


My name is Adnan. I recently graduated from Maulana Azad Medical College with a degree of MBBS. During my time as an intern as well as in the medical assisting program I gained extensive knowledge of patient care to accompany.

My goal is to work in the medical assisting field. I would love to be able  to use my skills that I have gained through these experiences to help your hospital in any way you see fit.

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